Sunday, January 10, 2010


Sometimes what appears as chaos is actually an intricately contrived and maintained effort. Intersections in downtown Dayton, Ohio, appear to have an overhead tangle of wires as the various electric trolleybus lines cross over.


  1. Quite a tangle, reminds me of when I went to San Francisco. Great capture.

  2. Chaos definitely!! Think if you wanted to clone all those out...that would be a job! All those wires would drive me nuts!

  3. That really does look chaotic! I like the small pops of color, with the traffic lights and the bright blue hospital sign. It adds visual interest.

  4. Urban Devekopment man's attempt to bring order to the Wild Wide World, what a failure, thank heavens we are working on less abitious projects these days, like populating outerspace. What a great thought provoking photo, Thank You.

  5. Makes you wonder how everything works so well, day in and day out! Nice take on theme.

  6. I thought it was a ski lift at first glance!! You captured the chaos created by all of the cables.

  7. Ohh I like that photo Lorri. And your comment is so true .. chaos to one is often elegant design to another.

  8. Don't you wonder how they don't crash, or get on the wrong cable in all of this? Nice job of looking up!

  9. Great shot for chaos. Wow, that is a lot of wires in one place!
