Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Although the rest of the neighborhood in Dayton's Oregon district looks a little drab in the early morning, the windows of the local erotica shop are a bold splash of color.

Shot discretely hand held out the car window so as not to disturb the patrons checking out the 25 cent peep show establishment next door.


  1. The swipe of yellow sure does stand out!

    The left of the door looks like it's made for a man. Unusual shop..

  2. Beat me to the punch, I was heading for Brisbane to snap that, ah well back to the drawingboard, were any of our members inside that you and I are going to be able to bribe, No Names, No Packdrill - til they have had a chance to pay up, right.LOL
    Looks to clean to be a sleaze shop though!

  3. What a bold choice for the theme! Viewers should enlarge to see it all, so to speak.

  4. Oh My! Looks like the foot traffic has been fairly heavy there through the snow. It does have a nice bright window.

  5. Very bold and flashy, I am sure it gets some if you could just catch it w/ that polititian walking out the door...LOL

  6. Great shot of color in the midst of all that gray.

  7. Bold indeed, I like the arrow on the sign. However did it get named "Oregon District"?

  8. You're right about the bold, great shot for the theme and I love your description!! :)
