Monday, May 31, 2010


A busy weekend.
Late nights.
Early mornings.
A long car ride home.
A few peaceful moments before the little guy wakes up and life kicks back to high gear.


Thirteen months and counting.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Main Entry: cool !kUl
Pronunciation: \ ˈkül \
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English col, from Old English cōl; akin to Old High German kuoli cool, Old English ceald cold - More at -
Date: before 12th century

......7. slang a. very good : excellent also all right b. fashionable hip

Grandson #1 looking very cool in his sunglasses and showing off the very cool patch he was awarded at this weekend's soccer match. Each coach in the league is given a patch to award at the conclusion of each match to a player on the opposing team who exhibits good game skills and good sportsmanship.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Two of our family treasures.

One year old Hollis, the youngest member of our family, visits with Grandma Annie, his 98 years young great-great-grandmother. Granny Annie spends the cold midwestern winters in Arizona so Hollis hasn't seen her in 7 months. I wanted something better than snapshots of the two of them but Hollis wasn't convinced he knew Granny Annie well enough to sit with her. He was willing, though, to stop by and visit as he showed off his recently acquired walking skills.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It's soccer season. Two double headers a weekend, two practices a week. Grandson #1 and his family live The Sporting Life.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Still working with the new lens, trying to master a point of clear focus while getting the desired edge blur.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


A single orchid blossom.

Still playing around with focus, I intentionally have most of the flower slightly soft and concentrated on highlighting the "mouth," so to speak, of the orchid.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Oh sure, they're all about encouraging you to play in the birthday cake. And then--once you've been lured in--someone comes along, puts your head in a lock down position and starts scrubbing your face off with a spit drenched Kleenex.

PhotoWalk Friday Tip

Happy Birthday, Karin! Have a bite of birthday cake with my youngest grandson as he celebrates Birthday #1.

Bring your own wipes.